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Three steps towards optimal health & wellness ...


Reflexology is an ancient, non invasive, complementary therapy that has evolved to this present day.  


By gently applying various pressure and massage techniques onto mapped reflex points connecting to your corresponding organs, tissues and glands, it is believed to unblock our body's energy pathways (meridians), optimise energy flow (qi) and help to release toxin build up in the body, hence improving overall function. Not only are these reflex points found on the feet, but on our hands, face and ears too.


Initially, you may experience deep relaxation and with further treatments, may attune & harmonise your body and mind.


My holistic consultation, treatments and referrals (where necessary) give you the chance to look at your wellbeing; assess your overall health and lifestyle, identify where you are and where you really would like to be. You will become more body & mind aware, thus enabling you to work towards attaining your own health and wellness goals.


I will provide you with support, treatment after care advice and simple reflexology tips, in order to help you maintain your health & wellness at home or on the go.


As a clinical reflexology practitioner, I will always strive to ensure your treatment experiences are consistent and of the highest standard, through continuous professional development and acting upon constructive feedback.

Attain Anchor
Attune Anchor
Maintain Anchor
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